Final Exit Network Billboard “Improved” by Billboard Liberation Front

(Note – The image above is of the Final Exit Network (FEN) billboard in San Francisco that says “My Life  My Death  My Choice.”  Below those words the old website address has been replaced by the web address for Phillip Morris, manufacturer of Marlboro cigarettes and other tobacco products.)

Some things are just too good to be true.

Once in a while, though, you get pleasantly surprised.

A few days ago, I heard that the Final Exit billboard in San Francisco had been the victim of some “creative vandalism” from a group called the “Billboard Liberation Front.”  I held off, just in case this was a hoax.

Well, it’s a hoax, all right, but it’s FEN and Phillip Morris, leading manufacturers of cigarettes, who are the victims.

Up above is a picture of the new and greatly improved billboard.

Here is the press release from the Billboard Liberation Front:


June 27, 2010
San Francisco

The Billboard Liberation Front (BLF) is honored to announce a new marketing partnership with Philip Morris (PM) that finally brings together the rugged sense of American independence with your most important choice as a consumer: your death. The message of “My Life. My Death. My Choice.” informs and empowers the consumer to choose, as their god given right, how they want to die. Philip Morris brings this message to the consumer to remind them that some rights are inalienable in life as they are in death.

“We’ve always said that the only two things in life that are unavoidable are death and taxes,” commented Michael E. Szymanczyk, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Philip Morris. “This campaign drives home that message where, if you are gonna die, might as well do it on your terms. Just like our Marlboro Men did.”

According to Patrick B. Smelt, Chief of Marketing, “This bold message of independence and demanding life and death on your terms fits with the current zeitgeist of anti-establishmentarianism and post-post-modern rage at the repressive state demanding a healthier you and your environment.”

The BLF was honored to accept this exciting challenge. “We have no comment on President Obama’s health care reform, but many consumer of Philip Morris’s products do. We felt that this campaign picks up on a widespread rage that some nameless, faceless bureaucrat might give them cheaper health care, preventative treatment, and maybe deny them the sweet release we are all seeking,” said Rico T. Spoons, BLF Director of Offense as he idly drew a razorblade across his wrists. “This oppressive political climate and fascist approach towards health raises the comforting question of ‘how will you end it all?’ I like to think that we are just giving some poor folks a reminder that Philip Morris will always be there to help kill you.”

All former Marlboro Men, Wayne McLaren, David McLean and Dick Hammer, were unavailable for comment due to their rugged, manly choice of death by lung cancer.

The improvement can be viewed on Howard at Van Ness.

It’s nice to see some creative anarchy alive and well – and we especially appreciate the choice of targets this time around.

3 thoughts on “Final Exit Network Billboard “Improved” by Billboard Liberation Front

  1. This is exactly the sort of cutting edge smart ass form of protest we need in disability rights. Disability activists need to embrace modern and popular forms of protest that appeal to a wide, as in, internet connected audience. Here I am thinking of flash mobs for instance among others forms of civil disobedience.

  2. Interestingly, there hasn’t been any kind of reaction at all from the folks at FEN. From previous experience, I know that humor doesn’t seem to be a strength – at least with most of the members I’ve dealt with.

    I agree Bill – this really is the kind of thinking that our movement could use. Funny, smart, in-your-face – and a lot of the public gets it.

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