In Memorium: The Things NDYers Have Said About Kevorkian Over the Years

First, specific airing of Largest Minority on WBAI mentioned earlier this week is now archived in mp3 format.  You can listen to the show if you missed it and still want to check it out.

Today, a public and private funeral and memorial was held for Jack Kevorkian.  I won’t link to the press coverage – it’s all predictably nauseating.

But I thought it would be appropriate to do a different kind of memorial right here.  In order to appropriately “honor” Kevorkian’s memory, I’ve searched the internet and some of our archives to provide a glimpse of what disability advocates and activists – inside and outside of NDY – have had to say about the man over the years.

This isn’t an exhaustive list.  Through several moves and computer changes, there are some significant press releases, flyers, articles and press coverage I can’t get my hands on right now.  I’ll try to develop some sort of plan to go about gathering and organizing our archives.  For now, please enjoy these.  –Stephen Drake


Disabled Need Care – Not a Visitation by Dr. Kevorkian by Edward John Hudak


Press Release: Disability Activists Declare War on Kevorkian
A High Defends Quality of Life by Mark O’Brien (


 Welcome to Kevorky’s Kosmos by editor of Ragged Edge.
Those ol’ Kevorkian blues by Mary Johnson


The Tactics of Survival by CK Montgomery


The Meaning of ‘Murderer’ by Cal Montgomery
Dr. Death on trial in Philadelphia by Jimmi Schrode
Self-execution for witches by Mary Krane Derr
Busy – But Not Dead Yet (profile) by Mary Johnson
Deadly Tactics – by Diane Coleman


A battle waged in Boston: right to die vs. will to live by John B Kelly