Guest Blog by Alan Holdsworth: Not Dead Yet Action in Philadelphia – Small Action, Small Victory


On December 9th, a small group of disabled rights activists braved the rain and cold and held a protest outside State Representative Jordan Harris’s office in Philadelphia.

Unfortunately his office was up steps so we remained outside chanting and giving out flyers.

Fortunately he was in his office and came out to meet us and, after a short time, he agreed to meet with Not Dead Yet Pennsylvania on the 7th of January on our turf at Liberty Resources.

Jordan Harris was one of the co sponsors of the Death With Dignity Bill introduced this year into the House in Pennsylvania. There are plans to introduce it again next year. He said on his doorstep that he is now undecided as to whether to support it.

The good thing about this is that we will get a lot of disabled people to this meeting (weather permitting), which will hopefully change his mind about being a co-sponsor in 2015.

We are building a coalition and the resistance moves onwards, growing stronger everyday.


3 thoughts on “Guest Blog by Alan Holdsworth: Not Dead Yet Action in Philadelphia – Small Action, Small Victory

  1. I am glad to hear that Not Dead Yet is making progress in PA even if it is a small step. Keep up the good work. Keep me posted. I am very interested in helping any way I can. Good Luck and have a very Happy Holiday Season.

  2. This is important! Those who serve in the state legislatures really don’t understand the issues involved and why assisted suicide is such bad public policy. They do have “Second Thoughts” when directly confronted by those who will be negatively impacted from the legalization of Assisted Suicide.

    Congratulations, Alan Holdsworth! Keep up the good work.

  3. I’m seeing this one day after learning that my state (NH) will have to fight off yet another assisted suicide bill in 2015. Coalition & resistance: very good thoughts right now. Thanks for the encouragement.

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